Statement of Affirmation of the Australian Association of Christian Schools
This is the Statement of Affirmation of the Australian Association of Christian Schools of which Clearview Christian College is a member.
About the Supreme Authority of the Bible
We affirm that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are God’s infallible and inerrant revelation to man. It is thus the supreme standard by which all things are to be judged, and the authoritative guide for all life and conduct.
About the Lordship of Christ
We affirm that Jesus Christ is from eternity God’s only begotten Son; He was born of a virgin and is therefore truly God and man. Through Him God created and sustains the world. Jesus suffered and died for our sins and rose again for our salvation. He ascended into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for His people. Christ is the Head of the Church and will come again to judge the world and complete the salvation of His people and the Kingdom of God.
About the task of Christian Schooling
We affirm that a Christian school is a school where Christ is confessed as Lord of creation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, its special task is to teach the child to understand the world from a Christ centred perspective and to equip him or her for his or her calling in life in subjection to Jesus Christ as Lord.
About the role of Government
We affirm that all citizens owe obedience to the legally instituted governments of our nation, which derive their authority from God and are responsible to Him for promoting and maintaining public security, justice, and welfare.
We affirm that the responsibility for the education and guidance of children lies in the first instance with their parents or legal guardians, and that governments are duty-bound to provide, without distinction and on general terms of equality, both the legal right and the opportunity for parents and guardians to choose for their children schools other than those established by the public authorities that provide for the education for their children in conformity with their own convictions.